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Yoga: Unexplored Scientific & Spiritual Facets

The people, who consider yog as a mere part of Hindu religion, are too wrong and probably unaware of the root cause of its existence. Yog is neither a religious practice nor an act of twisting the body/complex stuff. It is pure science and spiritual concept.

The word ‘Yog’ has its sankrit origin from word ‘Yuj’ which means personal consciousness or meeting with self/soul. Started approximately five thousand years (or more) back, it is an Indian invention being practiced around the world.

Yog lets the people feel their own infinite energy and hence enabling them to utilize their efficiency to its full. It is a great medium of invoking sub-consciousness and taking the tour to one’s own soul.

Cleaning the body, soul and mind, yog leads you towards perfection and opens the doors of success in whichever path or profession you’ve chosen.

Personality development, recovery from mental or physical ailments, stress relieving, attainment of peace of mind, and ultimately leading to a successful life is all achievable with regular practice of Yog.

Without the limitation of age, yoga is suitable for everyone including kids, youth, adults and old-age people. It is an advantageous daily life practice to perform if a human wants to lead a problem-less life.

Yog, widely spelled as Yoga is many countries, is one of the best gifts to world. It supplements the science by suggesting multiple ways of attaining perfection – physically, mentally, spiritually, psychically, psychologically i.e. in all the manners.

Among many facets of ‘yog’, some are:

  • It is a supreme science, which can transform one’s soul into purest and body into healthiest matter.
  • Inner-perfection, self-realization and ultimate consciousness can be attained with regular practice of yog.
  • It lets the practitioner differentiate the paths of truth and untruth.
  • Replaces ego and anger with divine harmonious life.
  • Increasing the concentration power, it allows people to focus on their own flaws and drawbacks – thereby rectifying it.

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