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Guru Parampara

The literal meaning of ‘Guru’ is the ‘remover of darkness’. Guru is a person who enlightens the inner conscious of its disciples or followers and fills it with the knowledge, giving decisive power and teaching him/her the right way of living.

‘Parampara’ is the uninterrupted succession of any ritual.

About Guru Parampara

Combination of these Sanskrit words, ‘Guru Parampara’ is a traditional ritual where an organization has its leading body as a ‘Guru’ or leader.

The leading authority or ‘Guru’ guides all the disciples to act fittingly and keeps them on right track. Mental and physical empowerment of the followers, in order to uplift their character and thereby upbringing the best-of-them is the main goal of any guru.

Adopting this practice from the oldest existing Dharma i.e. Hinduism or Vedic culture, we believe that everyone needs one life guide or ‘Guru’ to teach him/her the real purpose of life.

The Yogeshwar DeviDayal International Yogic Cure & Research Center is a non-profit organization named after Yogeshwar Ramlal Bhagwan, Yogeshwar Mulakhraj Bhagwan & Yogeshwar DeviDayal Mahadev one of the most influential spiritual masters of the centuries and founded by his disciple/son & successor Swami Surender Dev Ji Maharaj .

The mission – to spread peace, health and joy through yog. All are welcome to come to our ashrams and centres to learn not only about how yog can help maintain a healthy body but also how yogic philosophy, applied in daily life, can help maintain a peaceful mind and spirit.

Ever since its inception in 1888 by Rev Yogeshwar Ramlal Bhagwan(First Guru Gaddi) who is widly known as Mahaprabhu Ji, further in the year 1938 Yogeshwar Mulakhraj Bhagwan(Second Guru Gaddi). He have been taking firm steps while moving towards its aim of being the pinnacle of Yog in the world. And the biggest leap in this direction was taken in 1960, when Yogeshwar Devi Dayal Mahadev who was declared and blessed in the year 1951 as Third Guru Gaddi by the Second Guru, He had took the hold, as Third Guru of this organization. He is the guru of its kind in the universe. He established more than 17 state level Regd. Bodies which are running over 70 Divine Temples of Yog across India and is poised to grow to several thousands of more in the next couple of years. There is no single institution that can meet the requirements of all sections of Yog & Spirituality as we are. Hence, we have been upgraded to support a variety of customized programme for different kind of need of the community. The institution uses state-of-the-art techniques to spread the fad of yog.

In 1998, Swami Surender Dev Ji Maharaj on instructions from his guru, Yogeshwar DeviDayal Ji Mahadev, took over the charge as Fourth Guru & Pradhan Yogcharya Dev to bring the teachings of Yogeshwar Ramlal Mulkhraj DeviDayal Mahadev. He established the first Yogeshwar DeviDayal Mahamandir in Delhi, India, in 1998 and to date there are close to 75 Divya Yog Mandir/Yog Divya Mandir/ Yog Abhyas Ashram (ashrams, yog centres and affiliated centres) around the world. Over 2,000 Yog teachers have been trained in the Tearcher Training Programme of S.R.M. International Institute of Yog.

The mission’s Ashrams and Centres are recognized worldwide for teaching yog authentically, preserving its purity and tradition dating back several thousand years. They also offer a wide range of programs and even the possibility for spiritual growth through Karma yog as a temporary or full time staff program participant.

Swami Surender Dev Ji Maharaj made the yogic teachings understandable and available to all by simplifying them into five points, showing specific ways to develop physical and mental health as well as spiritual growth through ~ Apposite Exercise (Asanas), Apposite Breathing (Pranayama), Apposite Relaxation (Savasana), Apposite Diet (vegetarian), Positive Thinking (Vedanta) and Meditation (Dhyana).

Together with Yogeshwar Ramlal Bhagwan, Yogeshwar Mulakhraj Bhagwan & Yogeshwar DeviDayal Mahadev revival of the yog of synthesis tradition, which integrates the four paths of Yog (Karma, Bhakti, Raja, Jnana), a well-balanced Sadhana (spiritual discipline) is achievable by those sincerely seeking for a change in their lives.

We are the practitioner of Guru Parampara

Shri Yog Abhyas Ashram enthusiastically follows Guru Parampara and considers it a perfect (and better) alternative to current academic system. Our Ashramas, Yogacharyas and meditation centres are aimed at providing the authentic Yog education to all human beings – regardless of caste, age, gender, nation or religion.

We consider the teachers (Yogacharyas or Gurus) equivalent to the God or almighty, as these people are responsible for enlightening our path in life’s journey. Traced back to the time of Vedas, this practice keeps us concentrated and united for the accomplishment of our combined goals.

On the verge of modern age, our organization is keeping this philosophical tradition at the soul of its progression while aligning it to the current ecosystem’s circumstance.

The never-taming row of Our Gurus is:

    • Yogeshwar Ramlal Bhagwan (1888-1938)
    • Yogeshwar Mulakhraj Bhagwan (1938-1960)
    • Yogeshwar DeviDayal Mahadev (1960-1998)
    • Yogeshwar Surender Dev Mahadev (1998-2016)
    • Yogacharya Amit Dev (2016 – Current)

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