After a few days, Prabhuji proceeded for His onward journey in order to meet the ‘Purna Siddha Sadgurudeva’, the spirituality accomplished Master whose abode was in the highest reaches of the Himalayas, beyond Nepal and for whom He had left His home and hearth. Joyfully surmounting all the difficulties of the inaccessible path. He was proceeding ahead and visiting places for a specified period to redeem those who had the sanskaras viz., influences of the previous births. One day, in His divine vision, He saw, in accordance with mahatma living two hundred miles away from Gauhati, in the thick jungles of Assam. In order to reach that place, one was required to pass through dense forests and difficult hills which were very much infested with tantrikas. perceiving so, He took Mukh Ram and Krishnanand to the Vindhyanchal Hills and administered to them the mantra Sadhna to ward off evil effects of tantras. After a few days, Prabhuji proceeded ahead.
Mantra Sadhna to Mukh Ram and Krishnanand
Mantra Sadhna to Mukh Ram and Krishnanand