- Semen is the elixir of the physiological process of the body. Preserve it carefully by Pranayama, Sarvangasana, Mahavirasana and Shirshasana. Moolbandha and Basti Kriya also play a vital role in checking the outflow of semen.
- Fasting is better for our health. But Yogic Shastras believe in always eating your food in moderation; fill half of your stomach with food, one fourth with water and one fourth to be left for sufficient oxygen-lader air.
- The best reducing exercise is to shake your head violently from side to side, when offered a second helping.
- Chew one raw onion (and throw-away) for a few days to keep your teeth germ-free and healthy.
- Man is the product of his action. His past deeds have shaped his present. His present actions will determine his future. To live a better future, man needs to do good deeds in the present.
- Disputes are ventilation of one’s ego. Ego, hurt in a stuble form, leads to disputes. Disputes are settled out but not the ego. With the diminishing of ego one becomes divine.
- Every conscious action, in the length of time, becomes an automatic subconscious habit. Hence for better habits, act now consciously.
- Depression was discovered by a man who first experienced a sluggish liver. A sluggish liver can be easily cured through regular ‘Ushapaan’ (drinking of water through the nose at dawn) as well as ‘agnisara’.
- Human life depends upon the number of breaths and not the years. Therefore to live longer and healthier, learn the yogic way of breathing i.e. Pranayama.
- Most of the serious diseases arise out of constipation. Fibre diet [ fruits, vegetables and wholemeal flour, preferably of grams etc.], Nauli Kriya, Basti Kriya and Shankha Prakshalana can certainly root out the chronic constipation and piles.
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