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Jeevan Tatwa(Kaya Kalpa)


Jeevan Tatwa(Kaya Kalpa)


Jeevan Tatwa has been postures.  By practicing these postures the diseases relating to lungs, stomach, heart, liver, kidney, intestine etc. get eradicated for ever. The unwanted fat is eliminated from whole of the body, making it look beautiful. Rheumatic disorders go away, indigestion and constipation vanish and blood circulation improves a lot. Digestion increases to the extent that a striver can consume uncooked gram pulse, raw vegetables, milk and curd and thus can make himself very healthy and powerful(vigorous). This system of exercise can be adopted(practiced) by children, youth, old and even by patients suffering from chronic diseases.   Jeevan Tatwa system of exercises can be learnt from our yoga ashram for their proper utility and to derive best results. As these sadhanas are based on personal experience of Yog Yogeshwar Mahaprabhu Ramlal Ji Maharaj , the reviver of Yoga, an ancient science of our country, and Yog Yogeshwar Mulakh Raj Ji Maharaj, Yog Yogeshwar DeviDayal Ji Maharaj & Yog Yogeshwar Surender Dev Ji Maharaj . Their details are not found in any of the scriptures on yoga. Since the year 1921, our yogacharyas have been propagating them across the country and abroad. If practiced properly, by all, they ensure a happy life devoid of any sort of diseases and disorders. These seven exercises are described with illustrations.

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