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Sutra Neti


Sutra Neti

Sutra Neti

‘Sutra Neti’ is a specially designed string made out of cotton thread by experienced ‘Yogacharyas’ to suit the delicate parts of the body like nose and throat’ For better results it can be obtained from our yoga centres’

Procedure to perform Sutra Neti-The striver should sit erect with a vessel full of water and the Neti in the hand’ It should be well rinsed with water before use. Now hold the ‘Neti’ such that the left hand is nearer to the end planned to pass through nose than the right. Now keeping stiff the Neti should be made to enter and move in one of the nostrils, well held and operated with the help of thumb and the two adjoining fingers of the two hands. Very soon it strikes in the throat. Now it is held with the right thumb and the two fingers and very gently pulled out through the mouth, adequately supported by the other hand’ It is taken out slowly through the nose. After cleaning, it is passed through other nostril and pulled out in the same manner.

The cough deposited in the nerves is released due to the pressure of ‘Neti’ exerted on them. This purifies the whole system in the region. The nerves in the palate become capable of producing nectar like fluid which helps the individual for spiritual uplift. A detailed account of all these yogic processes is given in our books: Yog Upchar Paddhati (Hindi), Yog Chikitsa (Urdu), andYoga Therapy (English).

Our Sadgurudev Yogeshwar Mulakh Raj Ji Maharaj had developed, through his long experience a simple course of practicing all these processes. Every one irrespective of age and physical conditions can learn and practice them for maintaining a perfect health throughout one’s life. The waste formed in the body is cleared through its regular practice. If a little harmful waste still remains there, it can be washed away by practising ‘Jal Kriya’, another valuable ‘Yogic Kriya’. It is just as a ‘gutter’ after ‘cleaning with a rod’ is essentially washed by flushing water through it.


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