Light Is Within – Perceive through Yoga

इह स्थाने लीने सुसुखसदने चेतसिपुरं
निरालम्बा बध्वा परम गुरू सेवासुविदिताम्।
तटभ्यास़ाद्योगी पवनसुहृदों पश्यति कणान्
ततस्तमध्यातरू प्रविलसितरूपापपि सदा।।
when the Yogi closes the house(being in a position of Mahabandha attains is lost in absorption the knowledge wherge of he has gained by the service of Param Guru. With a continued practice his thoughts dissolved in a state which is the abode of uninterrupted bliss. He then sees within middle of and in the space above(the triangle) sparks of fire distinctly shininig.
ज्वलद्दीपाकारें तदनु च नवीनार्कबहुल
प्रकाशम् ज्योतिर्वागगन घरणीमध्यमिलितम्।
इह स्थाने साक्षाद्भवति भगवान पूर्णाविभवौ
व्यया साक्षीवहेरू शशिमिहिरयोमण्डलइव।।
He then also sees the light, which is in the form of flaming lamp. It is lustrous like the clear shining morning sun, and glows between the sky and the earth. It is here that the Bhagwan manifests Himself in the fullness of His might. He know no delay and witnesseth all and is here as He is the region of Fire, Moon and sun.