Yoga & Evolution of Man

We the humans, the noble creation of God see the world as infants and pass our childhood, a golden period free from all sorts of complexities of life, to become young and enter life to fall an easy prey and beheld under clutches of cruel destiny and be caught through treacherous designs of an evil fate. It is only God Who knows why He lets His noble creation suffer helplessly. Perhaps He desires us to complete our incomplete journey the last one from “man to superman”. Most probably the sufferings are a part of the process.
Entangled in worldy affairs, blinded through deep illusions, one does not find time and moments of rest to pause, to think of his origion, the meaning and aim of his life and to decide about the greatest achievement that could give him everlasting peace and solace. Sometimes he searches the answers to above questions in the form of health, wealth, luxuries and other pleasures of life. But soon pulls shock when he finds that the people possessing all this material wealth are feels a sort of hollowness, an unquenchable thirst, unsatisfication and an eagerness to be resolved during the sincere and serious moments of thoughts and introspection.
A right diagnosis is a right step towards treatment. Our sages through deep concentration resolved that the human soul pants (desires) and cries for its union with its counterpart, the “Rest of it” i.e. the Super Soul, and achieve perfection for extreme happiness steady calmness and tranquility. This union gives it a stability and seriousness like that of an ocean.
This is “Yoga” i.e. addition of a part of Super Soul (Atma) with the “Rest of it” (Pramatma) and in quest of this Yoga, the “Absolute Truth” and to let the Vital Force work in you what one needs is the benign benevolence of a Sadgurudev who is tuned to Almighty.
A disciple (striver) has to pass through a number of disciplines (Abhyas) to be processed to gain competence, to be helped by his Sadgurudev. just as one has to pass difficult tests to get qualified. The tough looking task becomes easy and one hurriedly develops an acute power of absorption for “Divinity” through an utmost devotion, sincere surrender and selfless service in the lotus feet of Sadgurudev. Unfortunately there might come an obstacle. You may not believe due to lack of faith or may perhaps hesitate to surrender in toto, before another human being of your kind, but it is a hard reality that what you observe in him is not “What is Real” and “what is Real” is not conceivable due to narrow and limited vision. Actually the “Real Self” in him is the “Real Supreme”. The Almighty Himself is seated in him. The “Real Form” (Swaroop) of Sadgurudev is not the least different from imagined splendid form of your favourite God(Isht Dev) with lotus feet. He is Sat-Chit-Anand. He is All and All is He. The great Saint Kabir had realized it and so the preferred to prostrate before his intimate his familiar the great Sadgurudev as he was the cause, the very link for his ultimate bonding with the Almighty.
Just as a competent master helps his students in a right manner for the early progress and clears his mind of all doubts and confusions in no time. so if Sadgurudev takes you under his benevolence, you need not move astray and seek for any other shelter. Everything in the Universe comes within your reach. It is only your efforts and your surrender that determines how much you get out of him. Thus you become an architect of your own destiny your own fortune.
“This development” of “Atma” “the individual soul” into pramatma the Universal Soul is quicker and gets expedited through “Yoga” as it is based on the very laws of “Nature” and works harmoniously in the tune with the process of “Evolution.” Yoga means cultivation of virtues and eradication of negative qualities (vices). It is achieved through Yoga culture and Yogic diet as mind is made up of food particles that we take, lying a firm, sound and sure foundation conducive to his spiritual advancement. Infact the negative qualities surrounding the soul has prevented its sacred and long desired union with the Super Soul. It is this final transformation from “man” to “superman”, the union of “individual with its “Creator”, is called “Yoga” that sums up the last process of “Evolution”.
An action is always followed by a reaction, Whatever the man does for the noble cause as mentioned above is met by resentment, hurdles obstructions posed by “Evil forces” that are the reverse form of “Benevolent Forces”. The result is obvious, the man gets astrayed. He is given to vices and blinded by greed, lust and pride etc., he moves in the wrong direction against the very “Nature”. direction against the very “Nature” the Almighty. It is a revolt against the “Almighty” and it is just breaking your head against the rocks. Living contrary to the laws of “Nature” that ensure a harmonious and smooth living in accordance to process of evolution leads one to ruins, frustration, a total destruction and one finds gloom and prevailing darkness everywhere. Thus fallen in a ditch, the man meets his death, being “mortal” in nature. But the merciful Lord, the Creator and Protector of Universe, the “Indweller of our heart” is kind enough to grant the poor soul another chance. for its uplift in the form of “Rebirth” equipping with a new human form and a balance of past deeds and powers.
The “Yog Bharshta” (those fallen from path of yoga in previous birth) and other saintly persons when leave the world to be born again, bring with them, all they had earned and attained to this life and so they need not start “afresh”. They start from where they had left in a bid to gain perfection, thus proving “Yoga” to be a continuous process. As they had done rigorous spiritual practice (Sadhna) in previous birth, they may get self-realisation in the twinkling of an eye like King Janak and others. They are a born “Adept”. We actually find that none of us is alike. We have different destinies. Some are born with silver spoons in their mouths whereas others keep below the poverty line throughout their lives. Some get abundance and others crave even for the basic needs of life. Some have ugly outlook and are always ill and are accompanied with evils and vices etc. whereas others full of virtue have a serene outlook with radiance and it is a pleasure to behold them. They are physically mentally and spiritually sound. They effortlessly prepare themselves for higher planes of life through “Yoga”. At the same time this world is full of people who do not even take a heed of their ultimate object and pass away as they had come, laden with the sins of their ignorance. They possess no earnest and sincere longings (desires) for a Competent Spiritual Guide (Sadgurudev) for their uplift and generally such people fall an easy prey to propagandists posing as “Adepts”, but in reality possessing no such powers except some hypnotising qualities. There are also some people who are fortunate with blessings of previous births and they are very serious and sincere in their efforts for quest of someone who could enlighten them and take them under his shelter and such persons find them, all of a sudden almost miraculously, in the lotus feet of their Sadgurudev, through whom their liberation becomes imminent.
Even if all that mentioned above is not taken into consideration, let it be known to everyone as also repeatedly stressed by our holy scriptures that “human form” is the super most out of eighty four lacs ”Yonis” (forms of manifestation of life) that one has to pass before entering this rare, precious and privileged form of life with a destination. So it becomes our sincere and foremost duty to strive to come out of this false cage of illusion and drive away dark clouds of “ignorance” to shine in our true divine colours and native pristene glory. Let His voice rise like a fountain for us all day and night. Let us prove ourselves worthy of transporting to passing a life devoid of all pains, griefs and miseries and full of eternal joy, bliss and ecstatic vibrations, we must adopt the path of yoga under the benevolence of our Sadgurudev, whose magnetic power will pull us from lower planes towards “Himself” the “higher planes”, the world of heavenly pleasures. Let us bow our heads and prostrate in his lotus feet to urge him, shower his kind benevolence and divine radiance on his dear devotees to link us firmly with the “Supreme”.
Whats up very nice site!! Guy .. Beautiful .. Wonderful .. Korella Tanny Kunkle