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Physical Health & Mental Health


Physical Health & Mental Health

Physical Health & Mental Health

There is intimate connection between the mind and the body. Whatever you hold in your mind will be produced in the physical body. Any ill-feeling or bitterness towards another person will at once affect the body. Intense passion, hatred, long  standing, bitter jealously, corroding anxiety, fits of hot temper actually destroy the cells of the body and induce disease of the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and  stomach. Worry has caused new deadier disease like blood pressure, heart trouble, nervous breakdown etc.

All diseases take their origin in the mind. The pains that affect the physical body are called secondary diseases,whilst the ‘vasanas’ that effect the mind are termed mental or primary diseases. If bad thoughts are destroyed, all bodily diseases will vanish.

Treat the mind first. Mental health is more important than physical health.

Removal of hatred through cosmic love, service, friendship, mercy, sympathy and compassion; removal of greed through disintevested service, generous acts and charity; removal of pride through humility , will help you a great deal in the achievement of good mental health.

You must be always cheerful. You must cultivate this virtue again and again. Laughter and cheerfulness increase the circulation of blood. They are blood tonics.

Be courageous. Be cheerful. Be kind. Be tolerant. Pray, Sing, Meditate on the Lord. Do Japa, Pranayama, and Asanas. You will have wonderful physical and mental health. You will have always a calm and poised mind.

When you have controlled the mind, you have perfect control over the body. The body is only a shadow of the mind. It is the mould prepared by the mind for its expression. The body becomes your slave when you have conquered the mind.

An individual thus assisting the nature controlling his behaviour, taking right type of food, establishing a communion between physical, mental and moral world develops a feeling of cosmic love for all. This helps him to have a firm footing on the path of yoga. Besides maintaining a sound physical and mental health one gains a perfect control on mind. And at last practicing concentration and meditation under the sublime guidance of a yogi Sadgurudev one achieves the state of Samadhi the divine ecstasy in due course of time.

Verily yoga is not for him who eats too much, not who abstains to excess, nor who is too much addicted to sleep, nor even to wakefulness Yoga Kills out all pain for him who is regulated in eating and amusement, regulated in performing actions, regulated is sleeping and waking. When his subdued thought is fixed on the ‘SELF’ free from longing after all desirable things, then it is said, he is harmonised.”

                                                                            (Geeta, VI/16-17-18)

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