Ideal Living

Perfect health is a boon for all. This enables us to pass our lives smoothly and more ahead to fulfill the sacred mission or objective of human life. Every human being is responsible for own health or disease. It is said that diseases or a disorder is the result of disobedience to the immutable laws of ‘Nature’ that govern life.
The whole universe from the mightiest sun to the tiniest atom is controlled by law. There is perfect order everywhere. The sun performs its duties quite regularly. It rises at the proper time and sets at the proper time. The stars and planets revolve in the orderly manner. They are governed by laws. There are laws in mental plane. There are laws of physics, of astronomy, of mathematics. There are laws of hygiene and health which govern our own being. In the vast universe, man only breaks and violates all rules and laws. He is the single example of lawlessness and discord. His willfully disregards the laws of health, leads a life of dissipation and then wonders why he suffers from disease and disharmony. He deliberately ignores the rules of hygiene and right living and then weeps when he is ailing from an incurable dire malady.
Health is that state in which a man sleeps well, digests his food well, is quite at ease, is free from any kind of disease or uneasiness. When you are in a state of perfect health , all the organs, viz. heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, liver, intestines, work in perfect harmony and concord and discharge their functions satisfactorily. The pulse rate and the rate of respiration are in perfect order. The bodily temperature is normal.
A healthy man smiles and laughs. He is cheerful and happy. He discharges his daily duties with ease and comfort. A healthy man is capable of doing work for long time without getting fatigued. He bowels move very freely everyday. He posses the highest kind of mental and physical efficiency.
Health is a positive state. It is not simply negation of disease. A healthy man can turn out more physical and mental work. He can practise good meditation for a long time. A healthy man need not be necessarily strong and robust and a vobust man need not be necessarily healthy. Health is a gift from Mother Nature or the Lord who is the power behind life. Health is your birthright but not disease. It is as natural to be well as to be born.
Be sober and temperate. You will be healthy. Bask in the sun. Live in the open air. Sleep in the open air. Sun and the open air are your Mother Nature. Let your food be simple. Never eat too much. Take sufficient exercise.
Become your own physician Assist Nature, but do not force nature. Allow nature to heal you. Nature is the best healing agent. Medicine and doctors only help nature in its recuperative work. An injudicious doctor who disturb nature’s work does more harm than good.
By drinking pure water, by eating pure and wholesome food, by observing the laws of health and hygiene, by taking regular exercise and cold bath in the morning, right action, right thinking, right conduct, by observing ‘Brahmacharya’, by living in open air and sunshine for sometime daily, you can be wonderful health, vigour and vitality.
A healthy man need not necessarily strong, and a strong man need not be healthy. A very strong man suffer from diseases. Healthy and strong man becomes a centre of great attraction. He radiates health and strength to all persons with whom he comes in contact.
The secret of being healthy and happy at all times is to be little hungry all the time. Do not overload the stomach.
Overeating is the chief cause of most diseases. The vast majority of persons dig their graves through their teeth. No rest is given to the stomach. Though we boast ourselves to be civilized men, yet, when the question of food comes, we make many imperceptible blunders. Man generally eats twice as much as his system needs. It hinders elimination, assimilation and growth. All the organs are overworked and get diseases quickly. Hence, avoid overeating and observe perfect moderation in diet.
The right kind of food is most important. Half the illnesses of the nation are due to an ill balanced diet. There is no mystery about diet. It can be learnt very easily. A correct diet is a fundamental factor in the maintenance of perfect health and a high standard of vitality. Good food is not expensive. A well-balanced diet is not costly. It is knowledge of dietetics that we hopelessly lack.
Diet is a vital factor in one’s life. Have a good knowledge of diet and nutrition. You can save doctor’s bills. You can build a healthy constitution.
Eat moderately what you know by experience is agreeable to you and what is digestible . Simple diet is the best.