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Yoga for All – A Check on Traditional Path

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Yoga for All – A Check on Traditional Path


Yoga has its root in ht term ‘yuz’  which means unite. Yoga traces back to the Vedic period wherein the saints who did penance and survived for hundreds of years on the strength of Yogic practices and powers.

In the present era Yogeshwar Shri Ramlal Mahaprabhuji  took  birth  as  a casual  being  in the hemlet of Kucha Bhai Sant Singh Amritsar, Punjab of Pandit Ganda Ram and Smt. Bhagwanti Devi in 1887, the Vikram year 1945, the ninth day of lunar fortnight. Even as the birth of many Indian saints, god men and Yogis. Shri Ramlajji was marked by mystic occurances. He was destined to save the mankind through self-acquired yogic powers with the blessings of the preceptor, Shri MahaPrabhuji.

Shri Ramlal Mahaprabhuji was  credited  to have  done  penance  in the Himalayas and acquired many wish yielding powers which he used for the well being of people all over the world. There was a miraculous forecast of His birth in ‘Kak Nadi Samhita’ at Koumar Naadi  Jyotishalaya, Roypet, Madras in the form of an inscription on  palmyra leavnesnx. It was said to have originated from Saint Kakabhushundi (of the period of the Ramayan) who said that Kalyug will be sanctified by the divine birth of the Yogeshwar. His incarnation was to free mankind from the ills-physical, mental and spiritual. The inscription has since been preserved on a Taad Patra found on Kak Nadi Jyotishalaya of Madras. This rare phenomenon is shrouded in mystery and replete with mystic effect.

Ever since the sacred birth of Prabhujji he had grown both in scholarship getting the ‘jnana’ (knowledge) of all sastras, epics and astrology much to the amazement  of  all  including  his  scholarly  father. His spiritual powers were unparalleled  to the powers of greatest Yogis known in the holy land of Bharat since ancient times. The Maha Prabhuji had through his own example shown that one need not be a ‘sanyasi’ to be a great ‘Yogi’ and he remained a detached saint inspite of being a householder. He had far excelled even his father true to the saying  “Putraadichchet Praaajayam”. He came to be known and seen by the initiated devotees in their meditation as Lord Rama of the Tretayug and Lord Krishna of the Dwapar while being  Shri Ramlal Mahaprabhuji of the Kaliyug. This vouches that he is beyond the bounds of the temporal and the spatial. He is the one who had absolute control over time and environment, and could leave alone his self and senses and attained the Absolute and got liberated. Obeissanse to His Holy  feet !

He  had  also  demonstrated his indivisible power of cosmic appearance and the multiple divisible forms of the self same image simultaneously at several places like Lord Krishna. He lifted up the fallen and raised the lowest of the low to the highest heights of spiritually with the yogic powers which were transmitted even to the widest animals of the Himalayas . This  Yogi  of  the  yogis  of  the  Himalayas  lived  and  attained liberation for the welfare of mankind and thus amply subserved  His  purpose on this earth. He continues to exist as He is timeless as non dual for those who seek him through  ‘dhyana’ (meditation) though he ceased  to be in our midst in his physical coil.

The chief disciple of Shri Ramlal MahaPrabhuji  in the first quarter of the present century was Yogiraj Shri Mulakhraj ji Maharaj . He had his main seat of  Yogic practice at Hardwar on the banks of the holy Ganges, while his mentor innovated Yogic therapy for the disease prone  mortals and the ‘Jeevan Tatva’-Kaaya Kalpa ‘treatment with’ Ghrit  kriya’ etc. along with the ‘shat kriyas’ of the traditional path of Yoga of and the ‘Ashtaang  Yoga’  of ‘Yama’, ‘Niyama’ etc. enunciated by the great Yogi Patanjali thereby ensuring his exhortation-‘Yogah Chitts  Vritti Nirodha’ for the fulfillment of the saying, ‘Yogah Karma Su Kousalam’.  While  Shri Ramlal Mahaprabhuji confined mostly to the North of India except for a brief sojourn to Madras in the South, Shri Mulakhraj ji travelled as far as south and visited several towns of Andhra Pradesh too. His historic visit to the District Headquarters of Machilipatnam in the mid fifties is still fresh in the memory of thousands of the devotees in the coastal Andhra.

Shri Mulakhraj  ji   was  entrusted  with  the  care  of  the  people  who  sought  material  and  spiritual  welfare  from  the master Yogeshwar Shri  Ramlalji who had also passed down the rich legacy of Yoga and its ‘Ansthaan’ to him. Naturally, Shri Mulakhraj  ji   carried  his  mission  with  the  blessings  of  his  supreme  master  and  his  yogic  cure  came  to  be  much  efficatious  for  the  benefit  of  thousands of the suffering  people  all over  the  country.

Foremost among the disciples of  Yogiraj  Shri Mulakhraj ji, Swami Devidayalji Maharaj of Haveli Diwan (Undivided Punjab), has taken upon  himself  the enormous task of propagating  the traditional  path of  Yoga through establishing Yoga Ashrams all over the country, training Yoga Acharyas for manning  them  and  publishing  literature for the larger benefit of the reading public. His inimitable style of serving  the mankind  round  the  clock  attracted  thousands and hundreds remained with him all through conducting Yoga Training and Treatment Camps leaving their kith and kin behind and even sacrificing their professions and positions. Among them are high ranking professors, Bank officials, Government officers and traders.

Swami Devidayalji has left nothing untouched and none unblessed who sought his path and perfected the practice of yoga on scientific lines. People felt elevated and elated through the ‘anubhooti’ of ‘dhyana’ and sound health. Such were the bounties of the benevolent Yoga Darbar’ of the three generations of Yogacharyas of ‘Shri Ram Mulakh Yoga Durbar’ . The  Swamiji  southern  sojourn in the month of January every has enabled several people  of Andhra Pradesh and Tamil Nadu to veer round his path of Yoga and get cured of the physical, mental and spiritual maladies.

Simple in dress and simpler in his demeanour, the unobtrusive and unassuming Swami Devidayalji has successfully raised a Yoga Ashram near Gannavaram on the sprawling grounds amidst lush fields a couple of years ago and it is followed up by another in the offing at Madras through the munificence of a philanthorphist there  on a larger scale. The sub centre of Yoga at Sanskar Mutt, Godugupet, Machilipatnam, Krishna even as the State Headquarters at Gannavaram(Opposite Airport) has been straining every nerve in the free service of the needy true to the mission of Maharajji whose Delhi base has all pervasive supervisor of the sixty odd centres of Yoga all over the country.

 Yogiraj  Swami Devidayalji has inherited all the yogic powers of his masters and his own mentor had bequeathed the trust and Yoga Darbar to him. He is out on the highway of the nation for free distribution of all his powers only for asking  with a true and honest belief in the path of Traditional Yoga. A doctor to the ailing, he discards all ‘pathys’ and exhorts people to come together for the collective benefit of Yoga at the National Headquarters of Delhi (Bhamashah Marg) or the Branches in various states of India if only people have  a will to live long and healthily shedding alcohol, luxurious life, anger and tendency of violence, distrust and  hatred.

Let seekers join together for the divine way of living through the path of traditional Yoga.

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