Pilgrimage of Pushkar Raj

Parikrama of the Narmada having been concluded, Prabhuji, after visiting a number of centres of pilgrimage, reached Pushkar Raj in Ajmer. Vairagis, sanyasis, brahmacharis and other mahatmas also started staying with Prabhuji. Vairagis and sanyasis were often at daggers’ drawn with each other. One day, a number of vairagis wanted to beat a few sanyasis as the discussion flared up. At that time, a mahatma named Brahmanand, was also present there along with some of his disciples. Prabhuji was seated at a place nearby. Hearing the tumult and uproar, He advised both factions of mahatmas that they ought to serve as symbols of peace of grihasthis, the households, rather than quarrel with one another. The advice fell flat on their deaf cars. Both the parties became very furious and from harsh words they came to blow and even started beating Mahatma Brahmanand and his disciples. One of the vairagis wanted to strike at Prabhuji as well. Hariharanand who was then on the roof top saw this, swiftly jumped down, snarched off a stick from one of the vairagis and fiercely wielding it, fell upon the attackers like a lighting and dispersed the warring groups in no time. Mahatma Brahmanand was greatly astonished. He commanded Hariharanand’s courage and expressed his gratitude to Prabhuji who finished off the matter by saying that Hariharanand’s action at the appropriate time was just part of the duty. After staying there for a day or so, Prabhuji proceeded towards Bengal and Bihar.