A Yogi In Samadhi Under The Waters

In His onward journey around the Narmada, Prabhuji halted at a place for some days. A yogi mahatma who lived in a cave on the banks of the Narmada, met Him. This mahatma remained in Samadhi for days and days. Once, he was in trance with his breath retained in the ‘dasham dwar’. In the meantime, the Narmada was inundated due to heavy rains. The water level rose so high that it entered into the cave. Prabhuji in His divine vision, saw that the mahatma continued to be in trance even through his body had been submerged in the waters. In order to impart knowledge to Hariharanand, He directed him to dive to the cave and see for himself how even the flood waters could not affect a ‘yogi’ when he acquires the state of trance in the ‘brahma-randhra’. On having complied with Prabhuji’s command, Hariharanand found the yogi mahatma in a constant state of trance. This flood waters having receded, the mahatma himself came to pay his respects to Prabhuji and after some conversations he left for his cave with blessings by Prabhuji.