Granting Initiation to A ‘Vaanprasthi Couple’

Once, Prabhuji was going along the banks of the Narmada. On the way, a Vaanprasthi couple was engaged in discussing the shastras in Sanskrit. Prabhuji took his seat near the couple aside , on the bank to hear the conversation. A little later, Hariharanand, Mukh Ram, Dandi Swami etc. came and sat at His lotus feet. After a short while, Mukh Ram entered into an argument with the ‘Vaanprasthi’ woman,but got defeated. Then Dandi Swami intervened but he had also to face a good deal of difficulty in responding to her queries. During the course of discussion of shastras, Dandi Swami asserted that no amount of empirical knowledge of shastras was going to help towards self-realisation which was possible only through the grace and compassion of the Master, the ‘Sadgurudeva’ The lady readily agreed to. In this connection Dandi Swami narrated several events in respect of the greatness and glory of Prabhu Ram Lal ji which very much impressed the vaanprasthi woman and she decided to have initiation from Prabhuji. Her husband, however, objected to it on the grounds that the Shastras did not permit such a course.
The lady however, pleaded that apart from her husband, a woman could also get herself initiated from a competent ‘yogi sadgurudeva’, possessing supernatural vision. Ultimately, both of them got initiation from Prabhuji and were able to achieve high state of meditation within short period of their stay at His holy feet. After graciously blessing them, Prabhuji proceeded ahead.