
One day, while at Moradabad, Prabhuji was delivering sermon to Jai Ram on Yoga on the banks of the river Ram-Ganga. Some of the devotees also reached there to listen to the sermon. As a reference, the siddhis viz anima, laghima etc. came to be described about. A devotee informed Prabhuji about a holy place called ‘Vana-Teertha’ in Kashipur state where a siddha mahatma lived. He also curiously mentioned trust according to the here say when the mahatma’s cows returned from pastures in the evening, very often a lion also accompanied the cows and sat at Mahatma’s feet. Several such like incidents in respect of the mahatma were also heard about, he submitted.
One day in one of His walks, Prabhuji reached Vana-Teertha and found an imposter named Lakshman Dass vairagi who was getting himself worshipped as the real Sidha-mahatma. Prabhuji called him in Isolation and told him,” You are vairagi Lakshman Das. It was the month of kwar and the lunar fortnight when at about sunset, you were travelling from Jaspur to Vana-Teertha that on your way, you found the siddha- mahatma of Vana-Teertha shedding his corporeal frame on the banks of the river. It were you who dropped his dead body into the river and since then you have been posing yourself as the mahatma and getting yourself worshipped. Could there be any comparison between that siddha yoga mahatma and an ignorant imposter like you?”
The veil of secrecy having been lifted, Lakshman Das vairagi fell at the feet of Prabhuji and requested Him, “Kindly do not disclose this to anybody because expect you, none else knows this incident; all the people consider me as the very siddha-mahatma. The spiritual flow is likely to be interrupted if the devotees come to know of this secret. It is my desire that the great name of the siddha-mahatma should continue to shine as before. My Lord I You are omniscient and through Your divine vision, You have seen the whole incident. Compassionately, You have graced me with Your darshan at Your own accord. I am at Your feet, Pray I initiate me and put me on the path of yoga; enlighten me so that I am able to redeem myself and also those who come in my contact I take a solemn pledge that I will abide by your commands.”
Prabhuji not only forgave him but even blessed him. He found his urge genuine and initiated him to yoga. He directed him to follow yama-niyama and regularly sit in dhyana(meditation) and through dhyana-sthiti redeem himself as well as others.
Senediction on a Potter Boy of Jaspur
At Jaspur, Prabhuji visited a temple where He heard of the glory of a potter boy who used to sit in dhyana(meditation) in that very temple for hours together and in moments of bliss if he uttered something, it came out to be true. In the meanwhile, the very potter boy reached there. Prabhuji called him and said that his khechari mudra had not yet been accomplished and the stage of his meditation was only at Muladhar-chakra(base-plexus).
On hearing this, the potter boy reverentially prostrated before him and readily brought a lamp from the nearby room. With folded hands, He stood before Prabhuji, who asked him what the matter was. He said, ”My Lord ! I have been getting Your vision in my meditation for the last two days. I was already initiated into dhyana by my former guru and when I requested for granting higher stages of yoga, he replied, “I have done my job; in order to bestow upon you, the next higher stages of yoga, a divine personality would be coming here from Punjab.” In response to the humble query of mine, the guru had disclosed. “The divine personality has incarnated Himself in a brahmin family and bears a scar on the left side of His forehead. My Lord I in order to see the very mark, I have brought the lamp.” At his request Prabhuji raised his turban a little. On seeing the scar, the boy was overwhelmed with divine emotion and fell at His lotus feet. After showering blessings, Prabhuji had come conversation with him on yoga and said, “Child I now, you may go home and have rest; come in the morning after taking bath etc. and the highest stages of yoga will be bestowed on you.”
Next day, early in the morning, the boy come, prostrated at Prabhuji’s feet and with all out devotion, offered flowers etc. and prayed for advanced stages of yoga. Prabhuji found the boy deserving and graciously transmitted His divine power which simultaneously, accomplished his khechri mudra and awakened his Kundalini. He commanded him to retreat into solitude and extend his Samadhi through constant practice.