Just Think Over

We remain busy for morning till late night. Multifarious duties are with us for all the times to perform. We are always in hurry and under the tension. But we are negligent to the life saviour factor. As a result we find that the vitality is diminishing at an accelerated rate and the vigour is getting eroded in a quicker succession. Rich diet etc., we take to keep the health maintained but that hardly serves the purpose. Rather we go on looking worn out and feel that many years have passed of our age. Moreover the diseases start chasing one after another, why so? because we have gone astray and have never thought over the cause of this speedy deterioration. We, therefore, feel that the grip of miseries is getting tighter. This situation should not be kept prevailing for long. The delay will spoil the life. The quicker we may get rid of this ruineous march, the better it would be. So let us think over the problem and the basic cause of all this trouble.
We know that we can pass the days together without food and water, but the secession of breath for a second is unbearable. That causes death instantaneously. Evidently breath is vital, breath is life. Since we are negligent of that we remain in trouble.
Apart from its life saviour tendency it is equally essential for the sustenance of life as well. It also keeps the diseases off, energises the life, retards the decaying tendency, sets the metabolism in order and adds years of energetic life. Charm and Cheerfulness it restores. Fatigue and depression it removes. How does all the happen needs to be looked into. Let us pause and think over.
Oxygen is an essential requirement of the body admits the present medical science of the day. It is the incoming breath that carries the oxygen in and the outgoing one takes the carbondioxide out. Decidedly in order to meet the requirement of oxygen regulation of breath in essential.
Further medical experts have observed that lungs, in general, work to one eighth of their capacity. Congestion in cities suffocating environments, stress and strain and the working conditions etc. are some factors which retard the normal functioning of the lungs. Thus lungs remain oxygen starved. A quite, an alarming situation it is from the health point of view.
It has also been evaluated that the requirement of oxygen to the mind is three times more as compared to the other organs of the body. The mind has, therefore, to exert more in order to make up the deficiency from the oxygen starved body. The other organs are thus deprived of their requirement. Consequently resistance gets lower. Stress and strain increases. Balance gets upset. Body acquires a debilitated state. Susceptibility to germs and infection is accelerated. Bad cold, insomnia, Headache, Hypertension etc. come up. Not only the lungs, heart and mind are affected thereby, but the whole metabolism gets a jolt.
Since the breath we take in, is first filtered through mucous and travels down Phyranx(rear troat), Lyranx (roughly the region of Adam’s apple) and trachia it passes through bronchie in order finally to reach the lungs. Here it enters millions of cells, 600,000,000 of them to be exact. Each of which is a tiny air sec. Those are surrounded by the tiny blood vessels or capillaries. The blood absorbs oxygen directly through the cell walls. At the same time it emits carbondioxide.
Now the freshly oxygenated blood travels to the heart. The heart pumps via arteries and blood vessels to every part of the body where in turn it seeps into every tissue and bone cell. In this matter 800 Quarts of blood passes through the heart and lungs every hour. How essential it is to keep the supply of the oxygen well maintained should have been amply clear.
Apart from above the process of catabolism starts as the body reaches the middle age. Stiffness tends to develop in the lung tissues, chest and other organs as well. Smooth circulation of blood is effected and impeded. Uric acid thus starts getting accumulated Bronchie, Headache, suffering muscles and joints, neuritis and rheumatism are developed. Doctor declares these symptoms as the growing age factor. In addition with impeding circulation red blood corpuscles get unevenly distributed. The fat thus gets accumulated inspots, instead of being burned up.
All such complaints can be avoided or considered reduced if we may learn to breath scientifically in a rythemical fashion as the deep breathing improves metabolism and that in turn transforms deposits of fat into body fuel or added energy.
More over the Chimney smoke of factories and thermal plants, diesel, smoke of buses, burnt up petrol from cars, scooters, aeroplanes etc. and the decayed fragmentation from the helps of rubbish are the added factors which deprive us from the normal intake of the oxygen to the required quantity. In the circumstances for proper maintenance of breath the quality of air we take in is of the vital importance. On the contrary mere banking upon medicines to meet the demand of the oxygen is neither advisible nor possible.
Does not the negligence towards this real requirement tantamount to playing mercilessly with the vitality of life?
But the scientists of India i.e. Rishis were wise enough. They understood the importance of the breath thousands of years before the modern technology came in. They thus visualized the necessity of deep and systematic breathing and hence evolved a technique for the regulation of breath, maintaining the quality of the air needed and termed it as pranayama. In Sanskrit plan means breath and yam means obsession i.e. a system to regulate the breath is said to be pranayama. They further explored that same type of pranayama cannot prove useful during all seasons, at all places and in all ages. Therefore, they devised pranayama of various types so that it could suit to all, irrespective of the age and place(having varied temperament and temperature respectively). A few most important pranayamas are named as Purak, Kumbhak, Rechak, Suryabhedi, Chandrabhedi Seetli, Seetkari, Bhramari, Ujjai etc.
Performance of pranayama i.e. the systematic breathing has all along been giving the desired effects. It is because of this utility the system is still alive and also is in active demand too.
In short not only does the pranayama help, keep the human body healthy rather it helps it stay youthful, slim and vital. In addition, the technique bestows concentration, bliss and ecstasy and also is a way for attaining SAMADHI for such a sublime goal. The technique should be learnt from an experienced Yogacharya™.
In view of above it is for the readers to pause and think over whether they would like to feel years younger and intend to remain healthy, youthful, supple, slim, vital, free from diseases and fit and fiddle or to lead a routine sluggish, worn out, diseased and depressed life with tired looks and ugly facial wrinkles before age.