Yoga : The Key To Perfect Living

Yoga is the need of the day cannot be denied but how this has arisen is the point.
A child is born and is brought up with utmost affection and love to make him a youth. Parents find in him a ray of hope and have cherished dreams about him. They dream of fulfilling their unfulfilled desires through him. They see in him a great man. Oh, that it could not come true. Soon they are in for a rude shock as the child grows and goes to the school.
As a general trend today we find that as the children grow towards adolescence they are given to evils and vices. Their morals and character decline. Instead of caring for their future life they indulge in cheap merrymaking.
Hope has gole feathers and a life without hope is a hell, a dead life or a living death. People live a life for hope, as they are optimist. If they knew the tragic journey, the hurdles, the tragic end they are bound to meet, they would not wish to live but prefer to die. On one hand it is an act of cowardice and a shear escapism by a noble creation of God, the man; it is also not fair to build castles in the air, as they will never be built in reality. So it becomes the duty of the parents to see that the youth is imparted such a training and education that may help him to lead a life of high moral character and not that which may lead him to decay, destruction and stagnation. To achieve this the youth of today must be physically well built mentally developed and spiritually advanced and should understand the meaning of real life.
The divine authorities in the past also wanted spiritual training to form the foundation of our educational system to make the youth more disciplined and virtuous. Yoga provides this essential training to help them coordinate between old and new values of life, differentiate between old culture and modernity and wind it in a way best suited to them, rather than becoming a slave to it. The evils that are prevalent today in the society disappear when a generation equipped with high moral values of life comes into existence, through Yoga.
We have Yoga Centres spread throughout the country for all round development and welfare of mankind. But that we find is that these are being used as Hospitals by the public. Patients visit these centres when they have lost all hopes for a life and are full of frustration, for they could not be cured and treated by the ‘doctors’. Unaware of the miraculous healing power of Yoga, they come to seek spiritual blessings of ‘Sadgurudev’, to be relieved and treated for their incurable chronic physical and mental disorders. In a short span of time they start feeling better and ultimately get well, due to selfless efforts of the inmates of these centres and the ‘divine grace’.
Then they go away to be lost in this huge world, not to be traced afterwards. After all man is more selfish than any other living being.
If Yoga is practiced by all of us, this world will be a better place to live in. It will eliminate the chances of being affiliated with diseases and reduce human pains, grief, misery, that is the lot of modern man.
Prevention is better than cure. Knowing it a few wise parents send their children ro these centres for a period to live there, while others send them in vacation and holidays and some send daily in the morning to practise yoga and learn yogic processes, postures and ‘control of breath’ etc. These children, when they come out of these centres are a changed lot. They possess a resistance to common diseases, have better bodily systems and are full of strength. vigour and vitality. They are boys and girls of good moral values. To the surprise of their parents they become good at studies with increased retention and become obedient. They are more disciplined and come out as real representatives of ‘Indian Culture’. They have radiant faces and never become an easy victim to bad cold, tonsillitis, fever and defects of vision. They possess supplies bodies with an elastic spine, a secret of eternal youth and longevity, obtained through yoga and not through fatique causing western system of physical culture. Enlargement of nasal bone quite common among children is easily cured by passing a string through mucous membrane. They eat to live and not live to eat. What a good thing it would be if everyone of us understands the importance of Yoga and adopts it himself to set an example for the children to emulate. In that case these yoga centres will become our ‘educational centres’ & seats of learning of his valuable science of life, the real temples where worships of self and soul will be carried to achieve the noble objective of life.
It was in the beginning of this century that Yogeshwar Ram Lal Bhagwan revived this lost science of Yoga and anticipated its urgent need for the coming generations. Instead of keeping it a secret, He determined to make it popular and easily available to the common man. Since then through his efforts and the selfless efforts of the line of disciples, Yogeshwar Mulakraj Ji and Yogiraj Swami Devi Dayal Ji Maharaj, it is becoming more and more popular and enumerable centres have been established far and wide in the country. The present head of the great institutions of Yoga –Yogeshwar DeviDayal Mahadev has tremendously increased the area of his activities. He frequently visited Chandigarh, Patiala and various other places in Punjab and Haryana where thousands of people turned to avail of golden opportunity through his valuable experiences of practical yoga for the development of body and soul. People have applauded it with one voice as the need of the day.
Horrible diseases of the day like cancer, ulcer, blood pressure, heart trouble and brain tension have been masterly cured through practice of Yoga. For a number of years it has been practised in Western Countries to cure these diseases and has been found of immense value. This was sufficient to attract the attention of our leaders and educationists. They too, found it to be of great value, as foreigners spoke very high of it, and they realised that this science actually belonged to them, to their own soil. And it is now that for the first time the Government has seriously and sincerely thought of introducing it in the educational institutions. The plan is very soon going to be implemented.
In the ‘Holy Vedas’ our great sages the foremost ‘Aryans’ used to pray to Almighty, Lord, grant us good health and powers so that we may live for hundred years to enjoy this beautiful holy world of Thy, created through Thy benign benevolence with our divine bodies and spirits, gifted by Thee, grant us life to sing songs of Thy glory and to remain absorbed in Thy divine self.
Our fore-fathers understood the mysteries of life perfectly well. They took it to be a boon and not a curse. There has come a great change in the outlook in the minds of people as compared to the old ones.
Life is harmonious, resonant and more rhythmic when lived in tune with the Supreme. It is blissful, elated, exalted and one lives in high spirits full of enthusiasm and worldly pains have no meaning for him. The body is thrilled and becomes the soul itself. No goal is difficult for him to achieve in the universe. He becomes capable of increasing his capacity and potentialities to any extent. Love, lust, greed and sensual pleasures don’t stand in his way and have no meaning for him. At higher planes of mind Yoga stands for Union of one with the ‘Supreme one’. With a developed ‘will power’ using his wisdom he performs what is right and not that which gratifies his senses. He falls no more a victim to evil and dangerous thoughts as they are stayed with the sword of wisdom.
Now it becomes a sacred duty for all who live in this country to join hands with those who with their all out efforts are determined to remove all types of diseases and disorders and are anxious to clean whole of the society of the dirt and rubbish that has been gathering all these centuries, to make this land, a land of Yogis, an ideal land where everyone possesses a blissful life.